Gwendoline Taylor (full frontal) |
Ellen Hollman (brief breasts and ass) |
* A possible clear view of cock-tease Allison Williams bubble butt in belly down'll make my day.

More of Dora here and here. Finger crossed she will dabble in porn (lez) soon.
CCN profile on Dora back in 2010:
Tales from a budding Tokyo model: Dora Yoder
They say that if you can make it in New York, you can make it anywhere. But those people never tried their hand at Tokyo, which is loaded with barriers like population, language, and an often head-scratching culture. “Everything goes” is not in the Tokyo lexicon. Despite this, adventurous types from around the world make their way to Japan hoping for memorable escapades and a slice of the juicy mikan pie of success. They just need to know that sometimes the fruit can be riddled with seeds.This column looks at foreign nationals from various fields who are trying to get their feet in the shoji door in Tokyo.
Meet: Dora Yoder, 19, American.
Aspiration: To be a senzoku model (a model exclusive to one magazine).If she can do it, so can I
Hailing from Pennsylvania where she was born into a traditional Amish community, Dora first met ViVi and now NYLON Japan senzoku model Kiko Mizuhara on a catalogue shoot for a Japanese brand in Los Angeles in February 2010. “Kiko told me she models exclusively for one magazine which to me was a foreign but intriguing concept, especially since I loathe the auditions process. She invited me to visit Tokyo, and since I was unemployed and my schedule was wide open, I decided to go for it!”With little money, the teenager got by staying at places of people she met and using online site to crash on people's floors. She quickly tracked down the places to be seen at, including Shibuya's Trump Room.
It’s not all sakura and gumdrops
Dora already had an Los Angeles-backed resume and shoots by uber-photographers Terry Richardson and Jeremy Goldberg to boast of, but while a personality can take one far in Los Angeles, Tokyo is a more calculating mistress. “Shortly after arriving in Tokyo I learned that it’s not usually possible for foreigners to become senzoku, and it’s rare even among Japanese talent. What’s more, half-Japanese models are really popular right now, and foreign models that come to Japan are all so tall that I can't even compete. There were jobs where even if I was one centimeter too short I wasn't able to even apply, whereas in Hollywood height requirements are very flexible. I realized it's very 'by the books' in here.”“If you fall seven times, then get up eight.”
Discouraged, but not resigned, Dora forged her own way by calling friends and friends of friends and friends of friends of... who eventually introduced her to photographers and found her some photoshoots to get the ball rolling. She became acquainted with top Japanese photographer Keiichi Niita who provided her first big Japan break -- she will feature in his upcoming Tokyo Photo photography exhibition at Roppongi Hills: Academy Hills 40, opening in September. “Nitta-san has so much good energy and sense of humor. He's unlike any other person I've met in Japan during my stay, with his American liberalism and photography style.”Beware the business etiquette
Living carefree in a trailer whilst offering hairstyling on the side may be the done thing in Los Angeles, but it's not quite the Tokyo way. "Japan is way more business-like in the modelling industry, models seem to dedicate an entire day to go to a casting. In L.A., where models are in bands or are artists, I travel by car alone and can catch a lot of different castings between agencies. Knowing I would have to drive around in a big van with other foreigners all day and go to castings was a big disappointment for me!"The aims of Japanese photographers is different too. "It's a lot about beauty and making girls look pretty or fashionable, whereas where I'm from photography isn't always about pretty at all... which I love!".
Dora’s Cliffs Notes of Tokyo
Reminisce, or take a mental note: Shinjuku station is “claustrophobic” and “nauseating” even if "everyone was helpful" and one can wander lost in the early morning barefoot, getting nothing more than a few quizzical looks (crucially you won't get mugged). And not everyone dresses like an anime or cartoon character. “To be honest, I was expecting a lot more crazy dressed people, because all of my friends who'd described Japan to me just over exaggerated I think.”And Finally...
“Everyone was really patient with me and I really appreciate it but I'd love to break down just a tiny bit of the Japanese goodness and see what's burning inside. Then take a photo!”+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++



Khoa Bui nets Lucy McIntosh for an avant-garde beauty project shot at his L.A. studio.
Despite the Terrier Pride, 2012 Miss Universe Winner Olivia Culpo Not Returning to Boston University
Olivia Culpo’s sister, Sophie, told the Associated Press that although her 20-year-old sister does want to finish her education, she doesn’t believe Boston “could advance her ambition to become an actress.”
As the 2012 Miss Universe winner, Culpo—a self-proclaimed “cellist nerd”—received an undisclosed salary, brand new wardrobe, a limitless supply of beauty products and a luxury apartment in New York City. Along with the perks, she will also be taking a year off from school to fulfill travel and philanthropic obligations related to the Miss USA crown.
Culpo was handed down the crown by Miss Universe 2011 Leila Lopes of Angola, having been picked from 88 other women who flew in to Las Vegas from around the world to compete. Culpo took to the stage in a purple and blue bikini and a red velvet gown. When she was later asked by the judges about her regrets, she admitted she wished she had never picked on her siblings.
The last Miss USA to win the Miss Universe pageant was Brook Lee in 1997. Lucky for the USA, Culpo was able to break the losing streak.
There is one piece of hope left for the Boston University community, though. Despite Sophie Culpo claiming her sister wouldn’t be returning to campus, a spokesperson told the Associated Press that, as far as the Miss Universe Organization knows, Culpo has not ruled out returning to Boston.
Not to burst any bubbles, but perhaps now isn’t the time to be holding your breath.
* Miss USA 2011 Alyssa Campanella wants to be an actress as well but her ambition is solely defined by her burning itch to be always in the public eye and will do whatever it takes to remain there. The Miss Universe win by Olivia must been galling for Alyssa who was favorite to take the crown a year before. By all reports, Alyssa is a sweet girl but Olivia is more of a winner with no time for losers. She will ditch anyone not keeping up with her and ignore folks standing in her way to the top. Olivia sees herself as the new Angelina Jolie; hopes to conquer Broadway stage (dramatics) before shifting to Hollywood. Both girls have something in common beside the Italian heritage: nudity isn't an issue or barrier at all.
20 Greatest Nude Scenes Of 2012
Simon Gallagher (December 23, 2012)
We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: sex sells. In the illustrious history of this very site, two of the most popular articles ever published were our 10 Nude Scenes You Might Have Missed and the 10 Most Controversial Sex Scenes Of All Time, so it’s pretty clear that you lot enjoy a tastefully done nude just as much as we do.
This year, like all others, was a big year for nudity – with more film-makers pushing the boundaries of what can be considered decent, and more nudity sneaking into films we’d consider mainstream, the industry is booming, and with the 2012 successes of Magic Mike, and the mega-selling Fifty Shades book series titillating millions of women the trend shows no sign of easing.
And because of this apparent increase in demand, the quality of this year’s nude scenes took a considerable jump, both on the big screen and on TV. We saw some notable nude debuts from established actors, as well as some brand new faces (and bodies), and because they’re willing to put it all out there, it seems rude not to collect together the very best in one place.
So, in no particular order – because frankly it’s been remarkably difficult to think about numbers properly in the last hour or so – here follows the greatest moments of nudity from all of 2012, from TV and Film.
1. Juno Temple – Killer Joe
She may have been given very little of note to actually do in The Dark Knight Rises, but the beautiful English actress who made her first biggest appearances in Notes On A Scandal and Atonement has shown gameness to take her clothes off to draw more attention in other roles.Starting with the deliriously odd Kaboom! she has so far bared all in four films, and made a big impact this year in the excellent Killer Joe by disrobing again. And her nude scene wasn’t completely over-shadowed by that chicken leg scene (more of which later), and that is pretty impressive work.
2. Helen Hunt – The Sessions
She’s not really known for her tendency to artistically disrobe, but she has shot notable nude scenes for at least five movies, since she first took her clothes off for The Waterdance back in 1992. Some twenty years later, she showed exactly why she’s confident to still do nudity at the age of 49.
Hunt stripped off for this widely popular and critically acclaimed tale of therapeutic sex, going full frontal in the process and showed Elizabeth Berkley that it definitely is possible to pick up awards nominations despite wearing no clothes.
3. Jason Biggs – American Reunion
Who said this list was going to be all about incredibly attractive nubile ladies? One of the single most affecting nde scenes of the year fell to American Pie veteran and pie worrier Jason Biggs, who made sure the tone of the fourth film in the main American Pie series (we ignore the God-awful spin-offs) was set firmly as low as the originals.
And when you think about it, thanks to the curious biology of the male form, there is very little as funny as a penis smushed up against some glass.
4. Sarah Power – Californication
And speaking of poor American Pie spin-offs, this one-time star of the terrible American Pie Presents Beta House walked away with one of the busts of the year awards (which I definitely didn’t just make up), after debuting her almighty breasts this year in the excellent Californication.
She might have committed some serious crimes in the name of film in her career to date (she was in Saw V and Repo! A Genetic Opera as well as Beta House before taking more TV work), but this small-screen revelation more than makes up for those poor decisions. And if this doesn’t open some more doors for her, then Hollywood doesn’t work like it should.
5. James Van Der Beek – Don’t Trust The B… In Apartment 23
Remember when you were a teenage girl and all you wanted to do was lie in Dawson’s strong, sensitive arms and run your hands through his immaculate hair as he told you how special you were to him? I certainly do. But the time has come to grow up, as the former teen dream (who was probably in his thirties back then) has done some growing of his own, and is now fairly filled out.
He didn’t quite get his special parts out completely, thanks to some handily placed blurring, but the former Dawson’s Creek star showed off his impressive gym-hewn body for the comedy show, pleasing love-lorn fans of his former glories in the process.
6. Olivia Munn – Magic Mike
In a film chocked full of near-naked men (and one now very memorable extending penis), it was nice to see some balance in Magic Mike, and even nicer to see it come in the shape of Olivia Munn, who made her naked debut opposite the impossibly chiselled Channing Tatum in the surprisingly entertaining stripper-fest.
It might have been brief, but it was no less arresting to see the beautiful Iron Man 2 actress topless, especially given how much glistening male muscle the rest of the film included.
7. Michelle Williams and Sarah Silverman – Take This Waltz
Williams has shown her willingness to take her clothes off for past projects, but that doesn’t wipe out any of the impact in this scene from Take This Waltz, which also features the nude debut of funny girl Sarah Silverman.
The film might not have been as hard-hitting as director Sarah Polley’s first film – Away From Her – but the presence of the beautiful Williams, more uncovered than ever before, and hilarious, and the revelation that Silverman is actually as sexy as she is funny proved to be an added bonus to the Green Isn’t Greener comedy-drama.
8. Anna Hutchison – The Cabin In The Woods
Everyone knows a good horror flick has enough nudity to enrage a hideously mutilated slasher, and the excellent self-referential Cabin In The Woods proved it wasn’t beyond referencing event he more sordid stereotypes of the genre by including a stand-out naked scene from former Powe Ranger Anna Hutchison.
A very clever scene, since it deconstructed the horror genre’s fascination with nubile female nudity, and its seemingly contradictory violent guilt that sees promiscuity punished by death. And also, a marvellous excuse to see Hutchison topless.
9. Sandra Bullock (Sort Of) – Chelsea Lately
Not strictly a nude scene, since Bullock’s modesty was just about protected by some dastardly pixels, but she still makes the list for her willigness to take her clothes off for a skit on US chat show Chelsea Lately in which she berated host Chelsea Handler for her conduct as a host, including sleeping his guests. The entire bit featured the pair naked in a communal shower, and led to Bullock hitting Lately in the face, who then urinated in the shower – not exactly typical chat show behaviour, and if Piers Morgan ever tried to pull it, we’d be far from pleased.
The highlight, other than seeing Bullock effectively naked was her rant, which should do go in TV history as one of the finest ever aired:
“You have a responsibility to be a respectable talk show host. This comes directly from Oprah’s mouth to my ear, to my mouth, out of my mouth, into your ear, down your body, out your vagina, up my vagina and out my a**.”
10. Marion Cotillard – Rust And Bone
The idea of a love story set against the odd backdrop of a killer whale attack on its trainer might have sounded a little odd to start with, but the Cannes favourite was an excellent show-case of Cotillard’s skills, as well as her body as she bravely disrobed to show a sex scene with excellent co-star Matthias Schoenaerts.
It was even more notable thanks to her character having lost her legs in said killer whale attack, and Cotillard was the perfect choice to show how the character refound herself and her confidence despite her disfigurement, and the realisation that beauty comes in many forms. That’s what having someone as beautiful and alluring as Cotillard can do for your film.
11. Jessica Chastain – Lawless
This wasn’t beautiful Chastain’s first bout of screen nudity, but the pale-skinned and red-haired stunner became part of one of the exceptionally cool Lawless’ best scenes, stripping off to seduce the hulking matriarch figure of Tom Hardy, who cast off his iconic cardigan for the purpose.
She might have emerged in the past couple of years as one of the industry’s brightest new talents, but it was remarkably good to see her willingly strip for a role, when others might have demanded a terrifying fee before even considering getting their horribly misshapen breasts out (as in the case of Demi Moore.)
12. John Slattery – Mad Men
Considering Slattery expressed concerns that his character was going to be cut for the series finale, it was great to see the character given a different ending entirely, as his appropriately named Roger took LSD and treated fans to one of the programme’s funniest ever scenes.
Good form for an older fellow as well, as I’m sure female readers will agree.
13. Camilla Luddington – Californication
A second entry in this list for the raunchy Duchovny-starring Californication, which is about as sexy a TV show can get without having to be soundtracked by lurid saxophone and shot in soft focus. Who would have thought in the dark, desperate days of the Red Shoe Diaries that we’d be getting easy access to this kind of quality material on prime time TV?
Luddington scores twice on this list thanks to starring in the terrible William and Kate TV movie (thus scoring for cultural significance in a perverse – and probably totally wrong – way). But she made an altogether different impact in Californication, taking off her clothes with incredible effect.
14. Ashley Hinshaw – About Cherry
About Cherry was one of the most sexually-charged films of the year, which isn’t surprising given its focus was a young girl’s introduction to the adult film industry. Starring nudity veteran Heather Graham, who wowed years ago in Boogie Nights in a similar manner and James Franco, the film also featured Dev Patel and a new, gorgeous talent in the shape of Ashley Hinshaw as the titular star who necessarily has to take her clothes off in order to make it in the business.
2012 was pretty much Hinshaw’s break-through year – though she unfortunately included the Miley Cyrus starring LOL and the terrible Rites Of Passage in amongst her body of work for the year – and she showed a lot of promise in About Cherry.
15. Bobby Cannavale – Boardwalk Empire
When Boardwalk Empire isn’t thrilling everyone with it’s great story-telling and the sheer amount of talent on display, it has some of the most affecting sequences seen on TV, thanks to its gleeful celebration of the dirtier side of being a gangster in the golden days. It can also be damn sexy, with a nude scene count running into impressive figures and featuring some of the hottest faces in the industry (including the delectable Gretchen Mol).
But we’re not interested in the female nudes for the purposes of this list, as the most memorable scene came from Gyp Rosetti, played by Made-To-Play-Gangsters Bobby Canavale, who got caught in the middle of a bout of kinky sex and promptly took off after his attempted assassin without a stitch on. One of the stand-out moments of the show this year.
16. Matthew McConaughey – Killer Joe
And straight into another kinky scene, courtesy of Killer Joe, and Matthew McConaughey’s 2012 attempt to rebrand himself as a Serious Actor, who doesn’t just take his top off for cheap thrills. Which is why he starred in two films requiring him to take his shirt off (and indeed most of his clothes in the case of Magic Mike)…
This inclusion has an awful lot more to do with the scenes that McConaughey powers through, but he’s still a remarkable physical specimen, and that will help some of the more squeamish watchers get through the more difficult scenes, including the chicken leg fellatio incident. It’s a seriously good film, and if you haven’t seen it, go and seek it out now.
If only for the finger-licking-good scene.
17. Ali Cobrin – American Reunion
Before the start of this year, Ali Cobrin wasn’t exactly a major name in Hollywood, having built something of a reputation in TV show Look, and appearing in several films like The Hole, but then she answered a casting call for the latest American Pie film and took her clothes off for a memorable and remarkably alluring drunken scene opposite the luckiest man in teenage sex comedy history Jason Biggs.
Throwing herself at the bumbling oaf, Cobrin revealed her ridiculously good figure before passing out and having to be taken to bed by former babysitter Jim, who got to carry her almost naked form for a fairly long sequence. And people say acting is a difficult job.
18. Sophie Rundle – Episodes
If stalkers all looked like Sophie Rundle, or were even just as busty as the English actress, who played the unfortunately named Labia in Matt LeBlanc’s Golden Globe winning sitcom. She might not have quite the same profile as some of the other names on the list, but she clearly has the talent, and a figure to die for.
19. Garfield? – Ted
It’s always nice to get some comedy with our nudity, and who better to oblige than creator of the often crass Family Guy? Seth McFarlane took his first major steps in live action film-making by bringing a lewd, profane teddy bear to life, and exploring well beyond the limits of a fairly typical fairy tale in which a child wishes their favourite toy to life.
That leads to sex, provocative behaviour and frequent drug-use, culminating in a hugely entertaining and occasionally surreal party scene featuring real-life Flash Gordon Sam J Jones and one of the funniest breast-related moments of the year. Who would have thought that a healthy set of breasts and a marker pen could have such profound revellatory impact?
20. Kristen Stewart – On the Road
Thank the Lord, there is something to value Kristen Stewart for other than her “acting” in the Twilight series. Sadly for her aspirations of higher art, all On The Road proved was that everyone who ever said Kerouac’s genius free-form novel was unadaptable were completely right.
Yes, there were some fine performances, especially by Garrett Hedlund as the omni-sexual, beatnik wonder that is Dean Moriarty, and it was certainly Stewart’s finest role to date, but when you’re massively upstaged by the appearance of your own breasts, it’s probably not going to turn out too well for you.
Rising Star: Emily Hampshire
By Julia Eskins
Photography by Tara West
We’ve only been chatting for 10 minutes, but the man beside us in the TIFF Bell Lightbox is already peering over his newspaper in curiosity. It doesn’t take long to discover that L.A.-based actress Emily Hampshire is charmingly candid, a bit self-deprecating and wielding a resume that would perk ears across the room.Emily Hampshire. |
“I haven’t been home for more than 22 days since February. I told my director that and he said, ‘Oh, the carney life.’ I realized that’s what I always wanted,” says Hampshire.
This has been a big year for the Montréal native, who just wrapped up shooting Rookie Blue, The Returned and All The Wrong Reasons. Prior to that, she hit the red carpet at the Toronto International Film Festival to promote My Awkward Sexual Adventure. The title still makes her cringe, but when it became the first film to sell out in one day at TIFF 2012, she had to admit it worked.
Hampshire’s own frankness works in her favour, too. It may be the names of her former cast mates, including Sigourney Weaver and Paul Giamatti, that hook an eavesdropper’s interest, but it’s Hampshire’s honesty that reels them in.
“I’m giving away all my nerdy, embarrassing actor secrets,” she jokes as she explains the process for getting ready for a role. “I have this file called ‘my character box’. I made it when I was 14 and I still have it. Every time I read a magazine and see an image that is inspiring to me, be it someone’s face, what they’re wearing or a time period, I file it away. When I’m doing a role, I go through that whole box and pull pages to make a binder for the character.”
Her latest entry was a Louis Vuitton advertisement, where the model’s haircut caught her eye.
Hampshire says she collects images that inspire her. |
“My favourite look was at the Trotsky premiere, it was a Andy Thê-Anh dress. I used to wear a lot of Andy Thê-Anh, but it’s like he doesn’t exist anymore, which drives me crazy!” she says. “The dress that got its own press was the Stella McCartney one I wore to Cannes.”
Looking at the glamorous Cannes photos of Hampshire beside Cosmopolis cast mates Juliette Binoche, Robert Pattinson and director David Cronenberg, you would never know that she often turns to her “lazy pants” on days off.
However, while in Toronto, the actress takes full advantage of showing some homeland pride when getting dressed up.
“I especially like dressing for TIFF because it’s an opportunity to wear Canadian designers. I love the guys at Greta Constantine,” she says. “You have to know what photographs well and it’s also about relationships with the designers. I am learning that those things are important and make a difference.”
While her ties to Canada bring her back for work, Hampshire fell in love with L.A. years ago and never looked back. After working in Toronto and visiting L.A. for pilot season, she decided to make the full-time jump and move there with her husband.
“I used to be ashamed of how much I loved L.A. because you’re supposed to kind of hate it. It’s about making a commitment to it and making it your home,” she says.
Hampshire during her trip to Toronto. She now resides in L.A. |
Hampshire admits the same can be said for the love of her profession. After the holidays, she will be heading to Vancouver to film That Burning Feeling and also producing a movie.
It may be a carney life, but between Toronto, L.A. and Red Carpets around the world, Hampshire seems to be right where she belongs.
Video: Lou Reed Reads Weird, NSFW Porn Descriptions
It was so random, it was only included as a bonus clip on the DVD. If you ever wanted to hear Reed cackle about extreme sexual stuff ("Smile, you're on fisty camera," "erect baboons"), here's your chance! And because the internet is a weird, wonderful place, someone combined Reed's vocals with a Metallica instrumental. Merry Christmas everybody!
from Spoken Reasons+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
sanctum I reveals & amplify the kinaesthetic and emotional struggle of silenced yet complicit women bound by the cultural practice of FGM – female genital mutilation. The dance videos attempt to elicit empathetic responses from the viewer to this Human Rights issue and reveal the power of the moving images as experiential and embodied.
Dancer: Vishanthi Arumugam
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